Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
This is what we all learn in school. This is also called TCM. It entails the placement of needles at or close to the site of pain or dysfunction. If the neck hurts, you put needles in the neck; if the knee hurts you place needles in the knee. It also works with internal issues such as digestion. If your stomach is hurting the needles on the abdomen are used. This can be a very effective treatment for many, many patients.
Balance Method Acupuncture
This is a different style of acupuncture that I have learned after I finished acupuncture school. I’ve attended seminars to master this style of acupuncture that was developed by the great Dr. Richard The Fu Tan. This kind of acupuncture uses points far away from the pain to balance the stagnation of energy at the site of the pain. Points on the arms and legs are mainly used and often on the opposite side of the body from where the problem is. The patient is lying face-up on the table. This is a very gentle and comfortable way to be treated with acupuncture; and extremely effective.
Auricular Acupuncture
This is the placement of very fine needles in the ear at points which correspond to places on or in the body. This is a type of reflexology as it uses a small area to treat the whole body. This can be a very effective way to treat any substance abuse or addictions. There are five special points in the ear when used together are known as the NADA Protocol and can help patients overcome their addictions. Auricular acupuncture can also be a tremendous addition to a regular treatment to increase the effectiveness or to help the patient relax.
This process consists of the burning of moxa on or near the skin. Moxa is known as Mugwort in English or Ai Ye in Chinese. It is thought to provide the body with warming Yang energy. This is very helpful for cold, frail, tired or immunosuppressed patients. The burning of moxa on the acupuncture point Stomach 36 (“3 Leg Mile”) on the lateral side of the leg has been proven to increase white blood cells which help strengthen the immune system. It is a very uplifting treatment.
This is the placement of suction cups on and/or around an area of pain or dysfunction. This treatment dramatically increases circulation while removing toxins stuck deep in the tissue. This became very popular during the 2016 Summer Olympics when swimmer Michael Phelps and his teammates were seen with round bruises from being cupped in between their heats. Yes, this treatment does leave marks that can last up to 2 weeks depending on the patient but can also effectively increase range of motion and eliminate pain.
I offer a variety of massages including: Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Tui Na. Appointments can be made for 30, 60 or 90 min massages.
Also available for your soft tissue recovery is high speed percussion massage with the Hypervolt massage gun. This is a device that percusses the muscle at very high speeds to loosen up muscles and tendons, help eliminate lactic acid buildup and speed recovery.
Detox Footbath
This is a great service offered to boost your Qi (energy). It consists of the patient sitting comfortably with their feet in a bucket of very warm water while a device is also placed in that bucket that creates lots and lots of negative ions. These are easily absorbed through the water. This process restores the proper energy and polarity to each and every cell in your body. This is not pulling toxins out of your body but rather improving your cell’s ability to do their individual jobs of detoxing themselves more efficiently. The patient usually experiences a few days of increased energy and focus. This is a very important service for patients who struggle with autoimmune diseases and have trouble detoxing